目的胃排空显像在健脾理气法治疗功能性消化不良(FD)脾虚气滞证的临床应用。方法 78例FD脾虚气滞证患者,随机分为中药组40例和西药组38例,分别给予健脾理气方和多潘立酮治疗,分别在治疗前、治疗后行胃排空放射性核素显像。结果中药组、西药组治疗后均有较好疗效(P<0.01),且中药组优于西药组(P<0.05)。结论胃排空显像对FD临床疗效观察有重要意义。
Objective To investigate the application of gastric emptying imaging in the therapy of functional dyspepsia(FD)of Spleen deficiency and qi stagnation.Methods 78 cases of patients with FD were divide into Chinese herbal medicine group(40 cases treated with Chinese herbal medicine of Decoction of invigorating spleen) and Western medicine group(38 cases treated with regulating qi and Domperidone).The gastric emptying imagings were carried out before and after treatment.Results The gastric emptying imaging results showed that both traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine treatments had good curative effects(P0.01),and the traditional Chinese Medicine was better than that of Wester medicine(P0.05).Conclusion Gastric emptying imaging is very useful in observation curative effect of FD treatment.
Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine