肺吸虫病流行区人工或鱼网捕获溪蟹 ,研钵捣碎 ,检查其囊蚴肺吸虫中间宿主感染情况。结果共捕捉溪蟹 335只 ,从单只捣碎检查的 2 2 8只大溪蟹中 ,查获 96只阳性蟹 ,感染率42 % ,每只阳性蟹感染蚴蜘平均数大于 2 5个。检查 10 7只小溪蟹 ,共查获 35个囊蚴 ,每只小溪蟹感染囊蚴平均数 0 33。在囊蚴活力实验中 ,10 0℃沸水 1min ,蟹体囊蚴变性、死亡 ;-2 0℃ 1h ,蟹体囊蚴尚存活 ,- 2 0℃ 3h ,其囊蚴全部死亡。表明该地区第二中间宿主溪蟹囊蚴感染率仍较高。此外 ,蟹体囊蚴对热力敏感 。
To investigate the infectious state of intermediate host in ever paragonimiasis epidemic areas and observe the affection of common physical factors such as high temperature and freezing and so forth on encysted metacercaria,parasitizing crabs.Crabs were caught by hand or net and ground with grinder to investigate their state infected by encysted metacercaria. The number of caught crabs is 335. The positive infectious ratio is 42%(96/ 228) among big ones and the average number of encysted metacercaria is more than 2.5 in each infected one. Among 107 small ones, 35 encysted metacercaria were found that is each small crab was averagely infected with 0.33 one.Encysted metacercaria are going to denature and die in boiling water in one minute, can survive after being frozen in -20℃ for one hour and die after 3 hours. The conclusion is that the positive ratio of crabs infected with encysted metacercaria is relatively high in the area.Encysted metacercaria are susceptive to heat and can be killed in boiling water immediately.
Chinese Journal of Public Health