
过盈配合对复合材料多钉连接强度的影响研究 被引量:2

Study on Effect of Interference Fit on Joint Strength for Multi-fasteners in Composites
摘要 过盈配合能改善复合材料连接结构载荷分配的不均匀程度,对过盈配合进行分析研究能为过盈配合在复合材料多钉连接中的设计应用提供工程参考价值。对一列三钉复合材料连接结构进行二维分析,通过改变接触关系来模拟过盈配合,并利用ABAQUS软件中的USDFLD子程序对结构进行损伤分析,从损伤机理出发,揭示过盈配合结构的损伤形态形成原理,研究过盈配合在结构损伤过程中对螺栓载荷分配的影响变化规律,及其对连接结构初始破坏强度和极限强度的影响。研究结果表明:适当的过盈配合能够实现载荷分配的均匀化,提高结构的初始破坏强度;过盈配合对结构极限强度的影响不大。 Interference-fit can counterbalance the load distribution of composite joints. Study on interference fit can provide reference for engineering application of composites joint structure. A study is performed on three- bolt composite joints by establishing 2D model. In this paper the interference-fit by changing the contact relation is simulated and the damage by using the user subroutine USDFLD of ABAOUS is investigated. Considering the mechanism of damage, the prineipium of forming damage in the interference-fit structure has been revealed. Then the effect of interference fit on load distribution, initial strength and ultimate strength of the structure dur- ing the process of damage has been researched. The results show that, appropriate interference-fit can make the load distribution homogenization, and improve the initial failure strength of structure. The interference fit has little influence on ultimate strength of structure.
出处 《航空工程进展》 2012年第3期311-316,共6页 Advances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering
关键词 复合材料 多钉连接 过盈配合 载荷分配 连接强度 composites multi-fasteners joints interference fit load distribution joint strength
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