
重度肥胖症患者膳食干预前后肠道内硫酸盐还原菌的定量检测 被引量:9

Quantification of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB) in the gut of severe obese patients before and during diet intervention using real-time PCR
摘要 目的检测重度肥胖症患者膳食干预过程中,肠道内硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的数量变化,为进一步研究SRB与肥胖的关系提供参考。方法以SRB基因组中的重要功能基因-腺苷酰硫酸(APS)还原酶基因作为指示基因,通过实时定量PCR的方法检测了12名重度肥胖症患者在进行膳食干预过程中随着体重的降低,肠道内SRB的数量变化,同时以16S rRNA基因对肠道内总菌进行定量来计算SRB占总菌的相对比例。结果膳食干预过程中,随着患者体重的显著降低,其肠道内SRB占总菌的比例也显著下降。在维持期,患者体重仍和干预前有显著差异,但较干预期有所回升;其体内SRB含量也显著低于干预前,但相比干预期,有所上升。结论研究结果提示肠道菌群中SRB细菌与肥胖的发展有密切关系,为后续研究SRB细菌的功能和作用机理奠定了基础。 Objective To quantify the change of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the gut of severe obese patients before and during diet intervention. Methods Real-time PCR was employed to quantify the change of SRB using adenosine-5 -phosphosulfate (APS) reductase gene as a marker gene in severe obese patients on diet intervention to lose weight. 16S rRNA gene was also quantified to estimate the relative percentage of SRB to the total bacteria. Results During the diet intervention period, the relative percentage of SRB was reduced with a significantly reduced body weight. During the maintenance period, the patients experienced a slight increase of body weight compared to the intervention period but still significantly less than before intervention. The relative percentage of SRB was also significantly decreased than before intervention, but increased slightly compared to the level during intervention period. Conclusion Our research thus suggests a close relationship between SRB and the metabolic diseases like obesity and paves the way for further study on SRB.
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第8期691-695,共5页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
基金 国家自然基金项目(30730005 30800155)
关键词 硫酸盐还原菌 重度肥胖症 膳食干预 腺苷酰硫酸还原酶基因 定量PCR Sulfate-reducing bacteria Severe obesity Diet intervention Adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate reductase gene Real-time PCR
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