
修辞语感的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study on Rhetoric Intuition
摘要 吕叔湘把语感分为语义感、语法感和语音感。进一步分析吕叔湘所说的语义感,可以把语义感分为两类:1."对一词的意义"的敏感是狭义的语义感;2."对一词的色彩"的敏感是修辞语感。本研究对200位受试者进行结构性的问卷调查,测量其修辞语感。结果显示,修辞语感的成绩与中文科公开试成绩的相关系数为0.038(P<0.001),是比较低的相关。t统计分析显示,喜欢阅读文学作品的学生比不喜欢阅读文学作品的学生修辞语感高(t=17.47,P<0.001)。 Lu Shuxiang classified language intuition into semantic intuition, grammatical intui tion and phonetic intuition. Based on Lu Shuxiang' s discussion about semantic intuition, we further classify semantic intuition into two kinds : ( 1 ) semantic intuition in a narrow sense which is sensitive to "the meaning of a word" and (2) rhetoric intuition which is sensitive to "the colour of a word". This research involved conducting a structured questionnaire survey of 200 subjects to measure their rhetoric intuition. The results indicated that the correlation coefficient between the performance of rhetoric intuition and the performance of Chinese in public examinations is 0. 038, which is a low correlation. T test analysis showed that the performance of rhetoric intuition by subjects who liked reading literature was significantly higher than that of subjects who did not like reading literature( t = 17.47,P 〈0.001).
出处 《语言教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期102-107,共6页 Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies
基金 香港城市大学(研究计划编号为7002412)和中文、翻译及语言学系赞助研究经费
关键词 语感 修辞语感 中文成绩 语言能力 language intuition rhetoric intuition performance of Chinese language ability
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