
基于凹腔驻涡的无焰燃烧室数值模拟 被引量:5

Numerical Simulation of Flameless Combustor Based on Trapped-Vortex
摘要 无焰燃烧的关键在于高温烟气与新鲜空气燃料的充分掺混。本文设计了一种基于凹腔驻涡的无焰燃烧室,并对其进行了零维和三维数值计算。零维数值计算运用简单的化学反应网络模型预测了燃烧室NO_x排放,凹腔当量比为0.5时,NO_x排放低于5 mg/m^3(@15%O_2)。凹腔产生的高温烟气,可以使燃烧室后部温度分布均匀,消除了温度峰值,燃烧室实现了无焰燃烧。双凹腔结构有利于改善燃烧室出口温度分布。 Flameless combustion can be obtained by mixing a large amount of high-temperature burnt gas with fresh air and fuel. This paper designed a flameless model combustor based on trapped-vortex, and zero-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical simulation of the model was taken. Chemical Reactor Network(CNR) method was used in zero-dimension calculation to predict NOx emission of the combustor. When cavity equivalence ratio is 0.5, NOx emission is lower than 5 rag/m3(@15% 02). The temperature distribution becomes uniformity because of the high-temperature burnt gas, and temperature peak was eliminated, so the combustor had possibility to reach flameless combustion. The temperature profile of the outlet is perfect with doublecavity.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1615-1618,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50706054)
关键词 无焰燃烧 数值模拟 双凹腔结构 flameless combustion numerical simulation double-cavity structure
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