
重大技术装备技术特征、用户特征与技术创新 被引量:1

Technical and User Characteristics of Major Technological Equipment and Technical Innovation
摘要 结合重大技术装备功能门槛、性能提升、质量阶梯等技术特征,研究重大技术装备用户效用、用户支付意愿、用户质量偏好等用户特征,并与大规模制造产品进行对比分析.对决定用户效用水平的产品质量和用户质量偏好进行函数分析,形成了重大技术装备用户边际效用变动规律的基本认识,揭示了重大技术装备用户效用变动规律对重大技术装备技术创新的影响.本研究深化了重大技术装备创新理论认识,对装备制造企业技术创新实践有指导作用. Combined with the technical features of major technological equipments, such as its functional threshold, performance promotion and quality ladder, it researches the user's characteristics of such equipments, such as the user's utility, willingness to pay, quality preferences and so on, and compares with the large-scale manufacturing products. It makes a functional analysis on product quality and user's quality preference which determine the level of user's utility, understanding the fluctuation trends of user's marginal utility of such technological equipments, and discovering the impacts of the user's utility fluctuation on the technology innovation of such equipments. It deepens the understanding of innovation theory about major technical equipments, and guides technological innovation practice of manufacturing equipment enterprises.
作者 郁培丽
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期17-23,共7页 R&D Management
基金 辽宁省社科基金重点项目"基于价值链分析的辽宁装备制造业发展思路与对策研究"(L10AJL005) 教育部高等学校博士学科专项科研基金"产业集群治理制度的自我选择理论与经验研究"(20090042110032) 教育部人文社科基金"分区制度环境政策的建模和优化分析--基于空间经济学视角的分析"(09YJC790034)
关键词 重大技术装备 技术特征 用户特征 功能门槛 创新意愿 major technological equipment technical features user characteristics functional threshold willingness to innovate
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