
高温相变蓄热技术的研究进展 被引量:4

High Temperature Phase Change Heat Storage Technology Research Progress
摘要 蓄热技术不仅能缓解环境污染和能源浪费的问题,还可以解决热能供给与需求失的矛盾。文中对高温相变蓄热技术的应用和研究现状做了一个综述,从蓄热材料的选择、蓄热器的数值模拟和数学建模、系统研究三个方面对高温相变蓄热技术的研究进展热点以及现状进行了总结。尤其对高温相变蓄热技术在太阳能热发电中的应用现状,并对高温相变蓄热技术在太阳能热发电中的应用进行了分析和展望。 Heat storage technology can not only alleviate environment pollution and energy waste, but also can resolve the contradiction of supply and demand of energy loss. This paper to the high temperature phase change heat storage technology applications and research situation did an overview, from material selection, heat accumulator numerical and mathematical modeling, system three respects of high-temperature phase change thermal storage technology research hotspot and sums up the situation. Especially for high temperature phase change heat storage technology in solar thermal power generation application present situation, and the high temperature phase change heat storage technology in solar thermal power generation application is analyzed and forecasted.
出处 《应用能源技术》 2012年第8期36-41,共6页 Applied Energy Technology
关键词 高温相变蓄热 太阳能热发电 数值模拟 数学建模 High temperature phase change heat storage Solar thermal power generation Numerical simulation Mathematical modeling
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