
分布式小卫星SAR系统模糊函数分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Ambiguity Function for Distributed Small Satellite SAR System
摘要 考虑地球自转、地球曲率以及卫星轨道等参数,建立了分布式卫星绕地飞行模型,利用该模型在原有方法基础上推导出新的分布式星载合成孔径雷达模糊函数,新的模糊函数将卫星之间的运动也考虑在内,更符合实际情况。依据理论分析进行计算机仿真,仿真结果验证了函数的有效性,表明地球自转、曲率、卫星轨道和卫星编队构型等对系统分辨性能有明显影响,为系统设计提供了依据。 A flight model for distribute satellite SAR (synthetic aperture radar) system is established by considering the rotation of the earth, the earth's curvature and the satellite orbits. Using the model, a new ambiguity function of distributed satellite SAR system based on the original method is drived. The function is more exactly for also considering the movement among the satellites. The results of the computer simulations demonstrate the validity of the proposed function and show the impact of the earth's rotation, the earth's curvature and satellite orbits on the function. By analyzing the ambiguity function, the influence of satellites configuration on the system resolution can be got, which provides principle for the system design.
作者 鞠丞 朱立东
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期76-80,共5页 Modern Radar
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(60971081)
关键词 分布式合成孔径雷达系统 模糊函数 分辨率 地球自转 distributed synthetic aperture radar system ambiguity function resolution rotation of the earth
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