

Empirical Research on the Functional Framework of Chamber of Commerce Based on the Small and Micro Enterprise: A Case Study of the Valve Industry of Wenzhou Yongjia Region
摘要 本文依据2012年初对温州永嘉地区泵阀行业的小微企业的调查及实地走访,了解小微企业目前的经营及融资现状。发现本行业小微企业目前处于转型升级的关键阶段,主要存在工人成本上升、土地供应紧张、融资难、产品技术含量低等困境。而小微企业虽然数量庞大,但他们的问题没有得到切实的关注。商会作为企业的代表在帮助小微企业发展的过程中存在自身组织管理和职能方面的缺陷。我们认为,商会应该发挥更大的作用,通过商会立法、股份制改革、聘用职业经理人和市场化运营等方式有效提高商会管理效率并加强与企业和政府的沟通并提供人力资源、融资、技术设备革新的服务,帮助小微企业解决经营及融资困境,推动小微企业进行转型升级,落实十二五规划,实现国家淘汰落后产能,进行新型工业化发展的道路。 Based on survey and field visits to small and micro enterprises in the valve industry of Wenzhou Yongjia in early 2012, this paper understood the current operating and financing situation of small and micro enterprises, and found that the small and micro enterprise was currently in a critical stage of transformation and upgrading, and there were many difficulties, such as labor costs rising, the constraint supply of land, financing difficulties, low technological content of products, and so on. Although their number is huge, but the problem has really not been concerned. Chamber of Commerce, as a representative of the enterprise, helps the development of small and micro enterprise, but in this process, there are its own organizational management and functional deficiencies. We believe that the Chamber of Commerce should play a greater role. Through the legislation of the Chamber of Commerce, shareholding system reform, hiring professional managers and market operators can improve the efficiency of Chamber of Commerce management, enhance communication with business and government and provide the services for human resources, finance, technical equipment innovation, and can help small and micro enterprises solve business and financing difficulties, and promote the transformation and upgrading of small and micro enterprises, implement the 12th five-Year Plan, achieve national and eliminate backward production capacity, and take the way of new industrialization.
作者 翁易初 张力
出处 《价值工程》 2012年第26期150-153,共4页 Value Engineering
关键词 小微企业 商会 职能架构 small and micro enterprises Chamber of Commerce the functional framework
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