
奥美拉唑药物相互作用案例分析 被引量:3

Case analysis of drug interactions in Omeprazole
摘要 目的探讨奥美拉唑与其他药物同时运用时的相互作用。方法通过本院消化内科在选用奥美拉唑配合其他不同的药物治疗时产生的相互作用6例案例进行分析总结。结果奥美拉唑抑制药效的药物有硫酸亚铁片、地高辛、酮康唑,有强化药效作用的是华法林、卡马西平、甲氨蝶呤。结论奥美拉唑与其他药物合用时,配伍前应了解药物的生化及代谢过程。以免产生药物间相互作用,降低药效或产生毒副作用,影响治疗效果。 Objective To explore the interaction of Omeprazole and other drugs for use at the same time. Methods Six eases with the interaction caused by using Omeprazole combined with other different drugs in Digestion medical department of our hospital were analyzed and summarized. Results Omeprazole could inhihite the efficacy of the drug including Ferrous sulfate tablets, Digoxin, Ketoconazole, and could strengthen the efficacy of the drug including warfarin, Carba- mazepine, Methotrexate. Conclusion The use of Omeprazole combined with other drugs beforeshould be aware of the drug's biochemical and metabolic processes, in order to avoid the drug interactions, reduce efficacy, occur side effects and influence the therapeutic effects.
作者 刘雄
出处 《中国当代医药》 2012年第23期255-256,共2页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 奥美拉唑 药物 相互作用 案例分析 Omeprazole Drugs Interaction Case analysis
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