
基于二次剩余的多服务器环境下的身份认证协议 被引量:1

Identity Authentication Protocol for Multi-servers Based on Quadratic Residues
摘要 多服务器环境下的身份认证协议实现了用户只需要一次注册即可跟多个服务器实现交互认证,基于二次剩余构造了一个注册中心在线的多服务器环境下身份认证协议。该协议中,注册中心参与实现对用户的认证并协助用户和服务器建立后继通信的会话密钥,并且服务器之间是可以相互区分的。协议能够抵抗字典攻击、口令泄露模仿攻击常见攻击,同时能够实现相互认证,以及前向安全、已知会话密钥安全和无密钥控制等会话密钥的安全属性。 Identity authentication protocol for multi-servers aims at realizing authentication with multi-server respectively by registering with register only once.In this paper,based on quadratic residues,we proposed an identity authentication protocol for multi-servers.The honest but curious RC could not obtain the session key in the protocol.Authentication can be realized among participants.Compared with similar protocols,the protocol need lower communication cost and computation cost.Besides,the protocol could resist dictionary attacks,password compromised impersonation attack.At the same time,forward secrecy,no key control and known session key security can be realized.
作者 张晓敏
机构地区 陕西省行政学院
出处 《计算机安全》 2012年第8期16-18,29,共4页 Network & Computer Security
关键词 密钥协商 多服务器 口令 字典攻击 Key agreement Multi-Server Password Dictionary attack
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