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6Basic Premises . Remittances of Overseas Filipinos for Development, Economic Resource Center for Over- seas Filipinos, ERCOF , http .//www. ercof, corn/papers.
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8Emesto M. Pernia, Diaspora, Remittances, and Poverty RP' s Regions, UPSE DP( University of the Phil- ippines School of Economics Discussion Papers )No. 0602, (2006), p.11.
9Jon Goss, Bruce Lindquist, " Conceptualizing International Labor Migration. A Stntcturation Perspec- tive", International Migration Review, 1995, ( 2 ), p. 321.
10Dilip Ratha, "Leveraging Remittances for De- velopment", MPI Policy Brief, June 2007,p. 6.