
论马华文学的反话语书写策略 被引量:4

The Counter-Discourse Strategy in Malaysian Chinese Literary Writings
摘要 马华文学作为非主导民族的文学,被排斥于国家文学之外,被视为族群文学。与此同时,在马来西亚的主导民族话语霸权下,华裔被定格为移民族裔,不能与土著享有同等权益,必须接受马来人的支配。独立前受殖民主的剥削与压抑,独立后也在政、经、文、教等领域不断地被边缘化,促使华人对主导话语有着深刻的抗拒与反感。由于整体实力与现实条件无法促成梁山英雄的反抗模式,同时为了继续与土著保持和谐共处的关系,华裔的不满唯有表现在内在的反话语的姿态上,具体展示在对主导话语的不信任、疏离、调侃、嘲讽、玩世不恭、戏谑等。本文对形成反话语书写策略的文化语境先进行论说,进而对反话语策略的具体操作方式进行细致的分析,其中将聚焦于左翼批判、召唤中华、文本互涉、诡异写作等文本策略进行解说,配合具体文本细读加以印证,归纳出马华文学反话语的诗学范式。 Malaysian Chinese Literature as a non-dominant literature is excluded by National Literature ( Sastera Negara) , and regarded as ethnic literature. Under the hegemony of the dominant discourse, the Chinese ethnic group is considered to be descendents of immigrants, and is not entiffed to the same right as dominant ethnic group (bumiputra). They have to accept the reality of Malaysian dominance. The colonial exploitation and oppression they suffered before the independence of Malaysia and their marginalization in politics, economy, culture and education in the post-independence period have aroused the Chinese ethnic group' s resistance against and resentment towards the dominant discourse. Unable to rebel like the Liangshan Heroes because of the restrictions of their ability and the reality and eager to keep a harmonious relationship with the dominant group, they can only express their dissatisfaction in the counter-discourse, specifically manifested in their distrust in, alienation from and parody of the dominant discourse. This article will first explain the cultural context of the counter-discourse, and then discuss in detail the strat- egies of the counter-discourse, with a particular emphasis on leftist criticism, Chinese cultural calling, intertextuality, magical writings, etc. Based on concrete textual analyses, it aims at the revelation of the poetic modes of the counter-discourse of Malaysian Chinese Literature.
作者 许文荣
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期59-70,共12页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 马华文学 反话语 话语霸权 抵抗 话语分析 Malaysian Chinese Literature counter-discourse discourse hegemony resistance discourse analysis
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