
茎瘤芥光敏色素PHYB基因片段的克隆与序列分析 被引量:1

Cloning and sequencing of phychrome B cDNA in Brassica juncea var.tumida Tsen et Lee
摘要 通过RT-PCR技术在茎瘤芥幼苗叶片中克隆了茎瘤芥光敏色素PHYB基因片段,命名为BjPHYB1(GenBank登录号:JQ178243)。结果表明,该片段长1 544 bp,编码514个氨基酸;该氨基酸序列包含两个完整的PHYB保守结构域PHYTOCHROMEREGION和PAS DOMAIN,且与甘蓝和拟南芥PHYB同源性分别为98%和96%;系统进化树分析表明BjPHYB1与同科植物的PHYB亲缘关系较近。茎瘤芥PHYB基因片段为首次克隆,为今后对该基因功能研究奠定了基础。 The partial sequence of the PHYB gene in Brassica juncea was amplificated by reverse transcription-polymerse chain reaction(RT-PCR), The partial sequence of the cloned gene named BjPHYB1 (GenBank number: JQ178243 )was 1544 bp. The sequence cloned 514 amino acids which contained two complete conserved domains, PHYTOCHROME REGION and PAS DOMAIN and which shared 98% or 96% identited with the PHYBs of Oleracea or Arabidopsis, respectively. The phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the PHYB gene of Brcassicajuncea was more intimate with that of the same family plants. The PHYB gene of Brassicajuncea was cloned for the first time, which could provide solid basis for the study on its function.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第16期154-157,共4页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(31071461 30771311) 重庆市自然科学基金(cstc2007BB1328)
关键词 茎瘤芥 光敏色素B基因 克隆 序列分析 Brassicajuncea phychrome B gene cloning sequencing
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