
可持续排水系统中储雨设备容积的计算方法 被引量:1

Rainwater Harvesting Tank Sizing Methodology for Sustainable Drainage System
摘要 介绍了一种由英国沃灵福德水力研究院提出的雨水回收利用系统储雨设备容积计算方法。该方法使雨水回收利用系统不但可以起到节约水资源的作用,而且能够作为调蓄雨水的设施,减少降雨地表径流的产生,即可作为可持续排水系统(SuDS)的一个处理单元。另外,分析了雨水回收利用系统集水和用水的关系,雨水回收利用系统的蓄水池能够应用于可持续排水系统中的限制性因子为集水用水比(Y/D),根据英国的经验此比值不应超过0.95。该方法的提出改变了仅将雨水回收利用系统视为节水设备的传统认识。 A rainwater harvesting tank sizing methodology developed by HR Wallingford, UK was introduced. This methodology enables rainwater harvesting systems to serve as a means of saving water resource and a functional component of sustainable drainage system (SUDS) to attenuate surface storm water runoff that is generated from rainfall events. The relationship between water yield and demand of rainwater harvesting system was studied. The ratio of yield to demand is a restricting factor for the harvesting tank applied in SUDS. The ratio should not exceed 0.95 according to experience in Britain.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第17期49-51,共3页 China Water & Wastewater
关键词 雨水回收利用系统 储雨设备容积计算方法 可持续排水系统 雨洪管理 rainwater harvesting system rainwater harvesting tank sizing methodology sustainable drainage system storm water management
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