
北京某高校本科生饮食运动行为与时间观念关系分析 被引量:3

Predicting health behaviors with time perspective among undergraduate of a comprehensive university in Beijing
摘要 目的了解北京市某综合大学在校本科生饮食和运动相关行为及其与时间观念的关系,为促使大学生健康行为习惯的养成提供依据。方法采用自行设计的饮食和运动行为调查问卷和津巴多时间观念量表,对北京某高校选修《健康的生活方式与健康传播》通选课的194名在校本科生进行调查。结果健康行为与未来时间观念得分正相关,如吃早餐频率、吃水果与蔬菜的频率,参加体育锻炼频率及运动开销比例等,而健康危险行为则与其呈负相关关系,部分健康危险行为与享乐主义时间观和宿命主义的现在时间观得分呈正相关,健康行为与其呈正相关。而改变不良饮食/运动行为的意愿与现在时间观念得分呈负相关,与未来时间观念得分呈正相关。结论时间观念在预测健康行为方面有着一定的意义;采取适当的影响时间观念的心理干预及健康教育措施来促进本科生形成和保持良好的饮食和运动行为习惯是很有必要的。 Objective To analyze the relation between dietary and sports behaviors and time perspective among undergrad- uate of a comprehensive university in Beijing, and to supply information to further promote healthy behaviors and healthy lifestyles among undergraduate students. Methods Totally 194 students who took the Healthy Lifestyle and Health Communication as electives answered a self-administered questionnaire as well as Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Afterwards, descriptive and uni- variate analysis were used to determine the current situation among the undergraduate from this university and the relation between time perspective and behaviors. Results A majority of undergraduate students involved in this investigation were implementing un- healthy behaviors and taking insufficient amount of exercise in their daily life. There was a significant correlation between some healthy behaviors and time perspective, and so does sports consumption ratio. There was a significant correlation between the will- ingness to change unhealthy behaviors and time perspective. Conclusion Time perspective has important value in predicting health behaviors. Some psychological intervention may be helpful for "undergraduate students in forming healthy lifestyle and measures that have an effect on time perspective can be included in related health education.
作者 张璐 钮文异
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第8期934-936,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 饮食习惯 运动活动 时间 回归分析 学生 Food habits Motor activity Time Regression analysis Students
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