目的 总结颈静脉球瘤的MRI特点 ,评价MRI对颈静脉球瘤的鉴别诊断价值。材料与方法 7例经手术及病理证实的颈静脉球瘤均行MRI平扫与增强扫描 ,对其MRI表现作回顾性分析。结果 6例主要位于颈静脉孔区 ,1例同时见于颈静脉孔区和中耳鼓室。T1WI均呈近肌肉之等信号 ,T2 WI均呈等到稍高信号。所有病灶内均可见流空表现 ,增强后均有明显强化。结论 颈静脉球瘤的MRI表现有较强的特征性 ,为该肿瘤理想的影像学检查方法。
Objective To summarize MRI features of the tumor of glomus jugulare, and to evaluate MRI in differential diagnosis.Materials and Methods Plain and enhanced MR scanning was performed in 7 cases (5 females and 2 males) with surgically and pathologically proved tumor of glomus jugulare. The MRI findings were retrospectively analyzed.Results Six lesions were located at jugular foremen, and one lesion was located at both jugular foramen and middle ear. All the lesions demonstrated quite the same signal intensity as muscles on T 1WI, and iso or slight higher signal intensity on T 2WI. Signal loss due to flow void and marked enhancement after Gd DTPA injection were seen in all lesions.Conclusion The tumor of glomus jugulare carries some characteristics on MRI, therefore, MRI is an ideal imaging examination for this disease.
Journal of Clinical Radiology