

Enterprise sharing mental model's economics analysis
摘要 企业共享心智模式是协调企业知识分工的思维工具,能够通过为组织成员提供共有知识优化企业心智资源配置、降低企业心智成本,同时,它也可能引致企业的核心能力刚性,对企业的影响存在双重性。克服企业核心能力刚性的有效途径是不断地开展高层级组织学习,构建企业开放型共享心智模式。 Enterprise shared mental model is a thinking tool that enables enterprise to coordinate its division of knowledge.By providing shared knowledge,this system can optimize the allocation of enterprise mental resources and reduce mental cost more efficiently.In addition,enterprise shared mental model may also lead to enterprise's core rigidity,which has a dual impacts on the company.An effective way to overcome the core rigidity is to carry out constantly opened organizational learning as well as build enterprise's open shared mental pattern.
作者 戈黎华
出处 《特区经济》 2012年第8期286-289,共4页 Special Zone Economy
基金 教育部青年基金项目"传统企业向创新型企业演进的战略变革研究"(批准号:11YJC630143)资助
关键词 共享心智模式 心智资源 心智成本 核心能力刚性 shared mental model mental resources mental cost core rigidity
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