The Habo porphyry Cu-(Mo-Au) deposit is located in the south of Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan orogenic belt.It is a typical post-subduction porphyry deposit formed in a Tibetan post-collision transformation setting.Intense K-feldspar and biotite alteration associated with quartz stockwork occurs in the Habo deposit alteration center,which is surrounded and overprinted by later feldspar-destructive alteration.Several stages of veinlets can be observed,and the evolution sequence of vein types is magnetite-quartz veinlets→early quartz veinlets→quartz-chalcopyrite veinlets→quartz-molybdenite veinlets→quartz-sericite-pyrite veinlets →pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets.Early quartz,quartz-chalcopyrite and quartz-molybdenite veinlets were selected to perform fluid inclusion study.The cathodoluminescence images of early quartz,quartz-chalcopyrite and quartz-molybdenite veinlets indicate that they all were overprinted by later hydrothermal fluids.Vapor-aqueous inclusions,aqueous inclusions,and high brine halite-bearing inclusions were found in all the three types of veinlets,and CO2-bearing inclusions were found locally.Using Laser Raman analysis,the authors found that CO2 and SO2 are very abundant in all these inclusions.In early quartz,quartz-chalcopyrite and quartz-molybdenite veinlets,vapor-aqueous inclusions were homogenized within 149~427℃ with salinity w(NaCleq) of 6.0%~15.0%,aqueous inclusions were homogenized within 205~405℃ with salinity w(NaCleq) of 3.4%~19.0%,and high brine halite-bearing inclusions gained homogenization within 305~516℃ with salinity w(NaCleq) of 33.5%~60.8%.Vapor-aqueous and high brine halite-bearing inclusions are abundant in early quartz veins,and their homogenization temperatures are similar,which shows that in the Habo deposit the silicate melt directly exsolved two coexisting fluid phases,a vapor and a hypersaline liquid,and the hypersaline fluid is the main carrier of metals.When the fluids migrated upward,at the temperature of ~400℃,the hypersaline liquid entered the two-phase separation field,causing intense boiling and phase separation.With the vapor fluids escaping,the solubility of Cu-Au in the hypersaline fluid decreased,accompanied by intense Cu-Au mineralization.Mo was partitioned into hypersaline fluid during the whole fluid evolution and enriched gradually.On progressive cooling and boiling,the solubility of both Mo and silicates decreases,which accounts for Mo saturation and deposition.
Mineral Deposits