
中国煤矿安全状况与经济社会发展关系的研究 被引量:27

On the relation between China. s Coal Mine Safety and the Social Development
摘要 煤矿安全状况与经济社会发展阶段密切相关。采用统计分析方法,系统研究了我国煤矿事故率随时间变化的规律及基本特征。从社会经济发展进程角度探讨了技术装备水平、体制机制、安全意识、职工素质等因素与煤矿安全的关系;提出了不同社会经济发展阶段社会对煤矿安全的不同诉求。分析了我国煤矿安全生产大起大落的态势与我国前一时期特殊的社会政治环境的关系;进一步揭示了我国工业化快速发展阶段煤矿事故高发的体制机制等方面存在的问题,提出充分利用我国的制度优势、政治优势,以及现阶段政治稳定、经济发展的有利时机,通过体制机制、法律法规和安全发展理念等方面工作,多管齐下,以有效改善我国煤矿的安全生产形势。 The paper intends to make a research revision on the relation between China's coal mining safety and the social development. As we know, coal-mining safety is closely related to the development of the economy and society of a country. Accordingly, it is natural to find a very closely inherent interconnection between coal mining safety and the entire economic and social development of a country. Statistical analysis method can be applied to the systematic study of the hazardous accident rates in the coal-mine production in different social periods and their basic charaeterisitie features in this way. From the point of view of the social and economic progress, close relation can be found among the coal mine safety, the application level or standard of the coal-mining teehnonoly, equipment, system and mechanism, safety awareness, as well as the safety-awareness of coal miners themselves. In the different developmental periods of the mining production, there may exist different views on the production safety and the life value of the human resources. Requirements about coal mine safety may be and actually are quite different at different historical periods. Therefore, we have two illustrated socio-ecologieal types of soal-mining safety views in the paper: "Subsistence", and "Happiness" (featuring in safety and health). The prodeution safety in coal mines in China has experienced sharp ups and downs, with which we have made analysis of the close relation between the charac- teristic and particular social factors and the corresponding political and environmental factors. What we discussed above can be used to explain why there are a lot more coal mining accidents during the periods of fast development of our industry. According to the variation trends of the casulty rate in coal mine accidents, we think it appropriate to divide the coal-mining safety situation in our country into five stages. Such a kind of periodical division helps us to explain the problems in the systems and mechanisms tht may account for the unhappy accidents in the past. In this paper, we have also brought forward our suggestions on how to take into full account the advantages of our socialist system and the peaceful economic rising situation for improving the mining production in our country. Therefore, it is possible to further reform our coal-ming management systems and the corresponding production environment, laws and regulations, and ideas about the safety development, so as to constantly improve our coal-mining safety both at home and abroad.
作者 李新娟
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期197-203,共7页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10CGL071)
关键词 煤矿安全 经济社会发展 社会生态类型 coal mine safety social development soeio-eeological types
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