
控制增益时变的非线性系统的迭代学习控制 被引量:7

摘要 研究一类具有未知时变控制增益的不确定非线性系统的迭代学习控制.系统的不确定性不仅是时变的,而且可以依赖于系统的状态.在先前的有关研究中,如果不采用饱和控制,只能保证点点收敛或平方积分收敛.文章提出了一个不采用饱和控制的状态反馈迭代学习控制律,并且建立了跟踪误差的一致收敛性. This paper deals with the problem of iterative learning control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown time-varying control gains. The uncertainties of the system are time-varying and may depend on states of the system. It is only guaranteed that the tracking error converges to zero for each point in the iteration interval if the saturation control is not employed in the previous studies. In the paper, a iterative learning control law via state feedback is presented without use of the saturation control, which guarantees that the tracking error converges to zero uniformly.
出处 《系统科学与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期693-704,共12页 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(21006086)资助课题
关键词 迭代学习控制 不确定系统 一致收敛性. Iterative learning control, uncertain systems, uniform convergence.
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