
全无缝桥梁接线路面拉伸力学特性理论和实验研究 被引量:3

Theoretical and experimental study on tension-deformation mechanical properties of continuously reinforced concrete approach pavement of FJSBs
摘要 为了掌握和模拟全无缝桥梁接线路面弹塑性拉伸特性,本文基于钢筋和混凝土的单轴拉伸平均应力-应变本构模型,推导出接线路面的宏观弹塑性拉伸P-Δ理论模型;并对室内总长28 m的接线路面足尺模型,进行了拉伸试验。结果显示:(1)接线路面的理论与实验拉伸P-Δ骨架曲线在钢筋屈服前后都吻合得很好,可以直接用于全无缝桥梁抗震设计和损伤评估;(2)接线路面实验模型的拉伸变形量Δ高达14 cm时,仍未拉断,其延性甚好、有利于抗震。 Because the elastoplascic tension character of the Continuously Reinforced Concrete Approach Pavement (CRCAP) is sensitive to the seismic response of the Fully Jointless Semi-integral Bridges( FJSBs), a macro elasto- plastic tension-deformation theoretical model (P -A model) of CRCAP was developed from the uniaxial tensile aver- age stress-strain constitutive model of the steel bar and concrete and a tensile test was carried out by using a full scale experimental model of CRCAP with a length of 28m. Results show that: the theoretical skeleton curve is in good agreement with the tested curve, whatever the steel bar is pre-yield or post-yield and the CRCAP is still not broken when its tensile deformation reaches up to 14 cm. Conclusion is that the theoretical skeleton P -A model can be used for the seismic design and the damage assessment of FJSBs and the high ductility of the CRCAP is helpful for the FJSBs to resist strong earthquakes.
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期131-138,共8页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家西部交通建设科技项目(2009318000044) 云南省交通厅科技项目(JTT-2008-QL-1)
关键词 无缝桥梁 接线路面 骨架曲线 单轴拉伸拉 伸刚化效应 jointless bridge approach pavement skeleton curve uniaxial tension tension stiffening effect
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