
美国基础教育阶段择校的最新发展与实施成效 被引量:2

Recent Trends and Outcomes of School Choice at the Level of Basic Education in the U.S.
摘要 近二十年来,择校在美国规模不断扩大,形式日趋多样。除学券计划外,各种税收抵免和教育储蓄账户应运而生,一部分公立学校也打开校门,实施"开放入学"政策。每种择校形式内,又有不同的变式。不过,由于家长和学生的择校标准不同于决策者的假设,各校也想办法选择成绩较优或家庭背景较好的学生,所以择校在某种程度上没有实现预期的效果。它很少服务于最贫困、最需要帮助的学生,在推动公立学校改革方面作用有限。 In the last 20 years, school choice has developed quickly in the U.S., with its scale expanded and forms diversified. In addition to educational vouchers, different kinds of tax credit programs and educational saving accounts programs were formulated. Some public schools have also opened their doors to implement "open enrollment" policies. Each of these forms had several variants. However, parents and students chose schools in a way that was different from that assumed by policy makers. In addition, schools adopted maneuvers to select students with higher scores or from more advantaged families. Therefore, in some degree, school choice did not reach its expected outcomes. It seldom served the most disadvantaged students, and played limited role in promoting educational reforms in public schools.
作者 丁笑炯
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期1-7,27,共8页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
关键词 关国 基础教育 择校 U.S. basic education school choice
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