为了解江西省市售保健食品中有机氯农药的残留情况。于2009年在江西省市售保健食品中采集34份不同产品(口服液类,胶囊类,含片类),采用填充柱气相色谱法测定保健品中六六六(HCBs)和滴滴涕(DDTs)的含量,并从剂型上分析了其残留特征。结果显示,所测样品中有机氯农药的检出率高达94.1%,总有机氯含量为0.005 mg/kg^0.211 mg/kg,其中HCBs和DDTs的检出率分别为94.1%和23.5%,残留范围分别为0.005 mg/kg^0.159 mg/kg和0.067 mg/kg^0.177 mg/kg。口服液和胶囊类保健食品中有机氯农药的检出率和残留浓度都高于含片类。HCBs的主要残留成分为δ-HCB,其次为γ-HCB,DDTs的主要残留成分为p,p'-DDT。本次抽检的江西省保健食品中有机氯农药残留情况不容乐观,使用纯天然、无污染的原料是保证天然保健食品应用安全的前提,同时需要加大监督管理力度,保障消费者的身体健康。
To learn the situation of HCBs and DDTs residues in the health foods from Jiangxi Province, China. The concentration of organochlorine pesticides, including HCBs and DDTs in 34 kinds of health food samples from Jiangxi Province was analyzed by the packed column GC-ECD in 2009. Results showed that the concentration of OCPs ranged from 0.005 mg/kg -0.211 mg/kg. Of which, the detection rate of HCBs and DDTs was 94.1% and 23.5 % respectively, and the concentration of chemicals was in the range of 0.005 mg/kg-0.159 mg/kg for HCBs and 0.067 mg/kg-0.177 mg/kg for DDTs. As for dosage form, both the detection rates and concentrations of chemicals in oral liquid and capsule were higher than buccal tablet. 8-HCB, followed by γ-HCB, was the main constituent of HCBs, and p,p'-DDT was the main one in DDTs. The situation of organochlorine pesticides in the health foods from Jiangxi Province is not satisfactory and to ensure the quality of the health foods, a powerful supervision should be taken, the raw materials of the health foods should be natural and pollution-free.
Food Research and Development