
黑垆土和红壤上两种磷效率小麦根际特征差异 被引量:1

Differences of rhizosphere characteristics of two P-efficient wheat genotypes on dark loessail soil and red soil
摘要 以磷高效型小麦洛夫林和磷低效型小麦中国春为试材设计三室根箱试验,通过测定两品种小麦生物量、吸磷量、pH值和酸性磷酸酶活性,对比它们在两种磷水平(P 0 mg/kg、P 100 mg/kg)及两种土壤(石灰性黑垆土、酸性红壤)上的根际特征差异。结果表明,黑垆土上增施磷肥,洛夫林和中国春的总生物量分别增加了30.14%和17.75%,总吸磷量分别增加了139.24%和71.72%;红壤上增施磷肥,两小麦总生物量并没有显著增加。根际pH方面,黑垆土上,不施磷条件下,洛夫林和中国春的根际pH值分别降低0.30和0.12个单位,但在红壤上两小麦根际pH值变化不大。酸性磷酸酶方面,PO条件下,黑垆土上两小麦根际酸性磷酸酶活性差异不显著,但红壤上洛夫林酸性磷酸酶活性显著高于中国春。P100条件下,黑垆土上洛夫林酸性磷酸酶活性显著高于中国春,而红壤上两小麦酸性磷酸酶活性差异不大。试验结果表明,在黑垆土和红壤上,两种磷效率小麦根际特征存在差异。 A rhizobox study was conducted to compare the rhizosphere characteristics of two wheat genotypes,Luofulin(P-efficient wheat)and Zhongguochun(P-inefficient wheat)on two different P levels(P 0 mg/kg,P 100 mg/kg)and two contrasting soils(dark loessial soil and red soil).Biomass,phosphorus uptake,pH and acid phosphatase were measured.Results showed that under P applied treatmeant,the total biomass of Luofulin and Zhongguochun increased by 30.14% and 17.75%,total P uptake increased by 139.24% and 71.72% respectively on dark loessail soil,but two wheat genotypes in the red soil had no significant differences in total biomass.On dark loessail soil,the rhizosphere pH of Luofulin and Zhongguochun decreased by 0.30 and 0.12 respectively under P0 treatmeant,however,on red soil,the rhizosphere pH did not differ between the two genotypes under two P levels.Under P0 condition,there were no differences in rhizosphere acid phosphatase activities of two wheat genotypes on dark loessial soil,but on the red soil,the acid apase activity of Luofulin significantly higher than Zhongguochun.Under P100 condition,the acid apase activity of Luofulin significantly higher than Zhongguochun on dark loessial soil,but on red soil,it did not differ between the two genotypes.Results showed that there were differences in rhizosphere characteristics for two wheat genotypes on dark loessail soil and red soil.
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期44-47,共4页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目(2007CB109302)
关键词 黑垆土 红壤 小麦基因型 根际PH 酸性磷酸酶 dark loessail soil red soil wheat genotypes rhizophere pH acid phosphatase
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