
ICF激光装置的任务可用性模型和分析方法 被引量:4

Evaluation methods and models of mission availability for ICF laser facilities
摘要 梳理任务可用度的基本模型,构建装置执行任务的过程类型和时间模型图,体现任务时限和修复时限的要求,以此给出装置单次任务可用性评价模型;选用曲线拟合和拟合优度检验方法,考虑修复对任务影响程度差异及其发生概率,建立装置多次任务可用性评价模型、评价方法及分析步骤,为系统地开展惯性约束聚变激光装置可用性评价提供一般模型和方法。通过对神光-Ⅲ原型装置使用可靠性数据处理和分析,验证提出的模型和分析方法的正确性和经济性。研究成果将直接应用于神光-Ⅲ主机装置的可靠性工程建设中。 Mission-availability of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) laser facilities is considered as an important factor of facility construction. Based on basic models for mission-availability, processes of the facility performing tasks are analyzed with their types and a model diagram of mission-time for indicating time-limits of a mission and its repair presented, and then a mission-availability evaluation model for a single mission is given. Utilizing curve-fitting and goodness-of-fit test methods, and considering different impact on next missions and its probability, a mission-availability evaluation model for multiple tasks of the facilities is constructed. And then, the facility mission-availability evaluation methods and its steps are definitely given to provide a general model and method for systematic research of ICF laser facility mission-availability evaluation. Failure data of SG-Ⅲ prototype facility during operation are processed and analyzed by the use of the evaluation approach, to verify that the approach and the model are correct and economical. The results will be directly used for reliability engineering construction of SG-Ⅲ laser facility.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2103-2108,共6页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国防科技基础研究基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(71172095) 科技部创新方法工作专项基金(2011IM020100)
关键词 任务可用性 ICF激光装置 评价 模型 &nbsp mission-availability ICF laser facility evaluation model
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