
高浓度Co掺杂ZnO晶体的水热法制备及磁性 被引量:2

Magnetism of Co-doped ZnO Crystals with High Concentration Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method
摘要 采用水热法以CoO、ZnO混合为前驱物制备了ZnO晶体,矿化剂为6 mol/L KOH,填充度70%,温度430℃,两种样品CoO、ZnO组分物质的量百分比分别为0.5∶1和1∶1。当前驱物为nCo∶nZn=0.5∶1时,合成出Zn1-xCoxO晶体,Co元素掺杂量分别为6.83 at%和9.30 at%。当前驱物中nCo∶nZn=1∶1时,Zn1-xCoxO晶体中Co掺杂比例达到9.31 at%,同时伴有Co3O4生成,其中Zn掺杂比例达到14.59 at%,SEM显示,所制备的Zn1-xCoxO具有明显的ZnO晶体特征,形态完整,最大尺度约为50μm。SQUID测量显示,生成物中Zn1-xCoxO晶体具有顺磁性,Zn1-xCoxO和Co3-xZnxO混合晶体也显示为顺磁性。 Using CoO and ZnO mixtureas precursor, ZnO crystals were synthesized by hydrothermal method, 6 mol/L KOH as mineralizer, with 70% fill factor, under the reaction temperature of 430 ℃, the molar ratio of two components of the sample was 0.5:1 and 1:1 respectively. When nCo: nZn, was 0. 5:1 ,Zn1-xCox O was synthesized. Co-doped elements share was 6.83at% and 9.30at%. When nCo: nZn was 1: 1, the doping ratio of Co in the Zn1-xCoxO crystal reached 9. 31at% ; the accompanying generation of Co3O4, and with Zn in Co3O4 doping ratio was 14.59 at%. SEM showed that the Zn1-x Cox O crystal with obvious characteristics of ZnO crystal had integrity morphology and the largest size of 50 μn. The SQUID measurements showed that Zn1-x CoxO crystal exhibited paramagnetic, as well as the mixture of Zn1-xCoxO and C1-xZnxO.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期956-961,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 国家自然科学基金(50672020 50772027)
关键词 稀磁半导体 水热法 氧化锌晶体 diluted magnetic semiconductor hydrothermal method ZnO crystals
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