Snooker has long been regarded a man's game. Enter Michaela Tabb. The forty something woman from England has ignored the gender barriers -- whether real or imagined -- and risen through the ranks of the sport's referees. It would be an understatement to say she has been an inspiration to women around the world. For years, Tabb was the sport's lone woman referee. Now, there is Zhu Ying, nicknamed "beauty referee" by her fans. Earlier this year, Tabb and Zhu simultaneously refereed matches during the first round of the 2012 World Championships (held at Sheffield Crucible Theatre, in England, from April 21 to May 7). Zhu, 30, became the first Chinese person and the youngest woman to referee at the Snooker World Championships. In 2008, she became the youngest person to receive the Gold Medal for referees, the highest honor for referees in snooker. How did she get involved in the sport? How did she rise through the ranks of the referees so quickly? How does she define the role of a female referee? Sophie Zhuoer Zhang, special correspondent with http:llv.qq.comlsports, recently posed those questions, among others, to Zhu during an interview in England.