

Correcting Approach of Complete Line Drawings with Noises
摘要 经过删补处理的不完整画隐线图,往往具有边缘外部轮廓位置比较准确,内部轮廓位置误差相对较大的特点.针对这一特点,提出了一种基于线图内部元素之间约束关系来校正处理含误差完整画线图的方法.从隐含的平面立体信息之间的约束关系及平行、垂直等特殊关系,建立相应的约束方程,然后平面线图节点位置进行最优位置的迭代处理,直至满足设定的阈值.通过实验验证,证实此方法是有效的. The influence of the noise is more powerful in line drawing's internal than outline. As to this character, This paper presents a constraint-based approach to correct the line drawings with noises. Establishing the corresponding basic constraint equation from the implicit affiliation of three-dimensional plane and the parallel or vertical relationship between lines. Then, starting the iteration for the optimal location of the junctions unless meets the threshold. The approach has been demonstrated by experiments.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2012年第9期202-205,共4页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 线图 误差 约束方程 迭代处理 line drawings noise constraint equation iteration
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