
飞行控制软件测试用例生成技术 被引量:4

Test Case Generation Technique for Flight Control Software
摘要 为进行飞行控制软件测试,采用扩展有限状态机(extended finite state machine,EFSM)模型对弹药飞行控制软件测试需求建模和测试用例的生成展开研究。将时间约束作为变量处理和并发任务的平坦化分析进行研究,通过分析生成了模拟软件完整执行过程的测试序列,采用组合设计解决了各输入变量不同取值之间的组合问题,并提出为变量增加时间属性来描述产生测试信号的时刻。以某弹药飞控软件为例,进行建模和测试用例生成实践,验证了方法的可行性。该研究为有限状态机模型在飞控软件和其它实时软件测试中的应用进行了探索。 In order to test flight control software, use (extended finite state machine) EFSM model to research on the ammunition flight control software test requirement modeling and testing example generating. Denoted the time restriction as variables and flatten co-current missions are researched. Generate test sequence for simulated software execution procedure by analysis. Use combination design to solve the different values combination of each input variables and introduce the method that add time attribute for variables to describe the test single generation time. Taking flight control software of certain type ammunition as example, model and test case generation are carried out. It proves the method is available. It is a useful research for using EFSM model in flight control software and other real-time software testing.
出处 《兵工自动化》 2012年第9期93-96,共4页 Ordnance Industry Automation
关键词 飞行控制软件 测试用例 EFSM 组合设计 时间属性 flight control software test cases EFSM composite design time attribute
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