
美军提高国防经费购买力政策解析及启示 被引量:1

Analysis and Revelation About Better Buying Power of Defence Expense in the USA
摘要 阐述了美军提高国防经费购买力的一系列政策,包括:确定可承受性目标和控制费用增长、激励工业部门提高生产力和不断创新、推进实质性竞争、提高采办服务的商务技能,以及减少无效过程和官僚作风等。分析了美军提高购买力的具体措施,提出了改进我军装备采购管理的对策建议。 A serious of policy and measures about better buying power (BBP) of defence expense in the USA are introduced in this paper, including target affordability and control cost growth, incentivize productivity and innovation in industry, promote real competition, improve tradecraft in services acquisition and reduce non-productive processes and bureaucracy. Based on these studies, several suggestions to improve equipment acquisition management in the PLA are proposed.
出处 《装备学院学报》 2012年第4期50-53,共4页 Journal of Equipment Academy
关键词 国防采办 提高购买力 可承受性 装备采购 defence acquisition better buying power(BBP) affordability equipment acquisition
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