三线闭壳龟为集药用、观赏和食用于一身的珍稀动物 ,其自然资源日益枯竭 ,开展人工保育具有重要意义。人工保育措施主要包括 :(1)提供良好的自然生态环境 ;(2 )采用人工孵卵 ;(3)加强饲养管理 ;(4)做好敌害与病害的防治工作。
Cuora trifasciata is a rare animal that can b e used as traditional medicine and edible animal It also has a high value of appreciation It has ve ry important meaning for launching a movement of artificial protection and repro duction of Cuora trifasciata because its natural resource is cutting down da y by day The main measures of aitificial protection and reproduction of Cuor a trifasciata are as follows (1) Providing nice natural environment (2) Ta king artificial incubation (3) Strengthening management of cultivation (4) P reventing natural enemy and disease
Sichuan Journal of Zoology