介绍了一种半薄切片定位样品的方法。此法与前人的方法不同之处在于位于载玻片之上被重新包埋于塑料环内的切片与载玻片的分离方法。具体操作步骤是 :切片被包埋聚合好后 ,立即从 60~ 65℃温箱内被转入冰箱冷冻室中 ( - 1 8℃ )放置 5~ 1 0分钟。然后 ,将载玻片从冷冻室中取出 ,轻推塑料环 ,即可使包埋在塑料环内的切片与载玻片分离。这一方法成功地解决了样品中靶细胞的发育时期确定和样品丢失问题 ,而且还有简单、易操作和成功率高等优点。
A new method for sample location in semi_thin sectioning is introduced. This met hod differs from previous methods in the way of separating the re_embedded secti on fr om the glass slide. The slide with polymerized section is taken out from the ove n and immediately put in the freezing chamber of a refrigerator and left there f or 5-10 mins. Then take the slide out of the freezing chamber and push the plast ic ring on the slide. Thus the section in the plastic ring is easily separate d from the slide. This method eliminates the danger of losing the sample while t he developmental stage of the target cells is being derermined, and has the adva ntages of simple operation and high rate of success.
Chinese Bulletin of Botany
国家自然科学基金资助项目!( 3 9770 0 50 )