
“日日新”:“瞬时性美学”与英美诗歌的现代性诉求 被引量:4

"Make It New":"Aesthetics of Transitoriness" and the Modernistic Pursuit of the Anglo-American Poetry
摘要 现代主义诗歌无疑是20世纪英美诗歌中最具影响力的一股诗潮,其发生与壮大展示出审美领域现代性的独特诉求,其核心价值观念是变化与新奇。这一诉求既体现了英美现代主义诗歌对历史现代性价值观的认同与趋附,又展示出审美现代性对历史现代性的背离与批判。同时,这一现代性诉求更是英美现代主义诗歌在创作技术上开拓创新的根本原动力。 Modernist poetry is undoubtedly the most influential trend in the Anglo-American poetry of the 20th century, and its emergence and development revealed some particular modernistic pursuit in the aesthetic field, whose central values are change and novelty. The pursuit not only embodies Anglo-American poetry' s identitifieation and adherence to the values of the historical modernity, but presents the deviations and resistance between the aesthetic modernity and the historic moder- nity. Meanwhile, and the modernistic pursuit is the original driving force of technical innovation of Anglo-American mod- ernist poetry.
作者 董洪川
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2012年第2期1-8,共8页 Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"英美现代主义诗歌与审美现代性研究"(批准文号10BWW018)
关键词 瞬时性美学 英美现代主义诗歌 现代性诉求 新奇与变化 Aesthetics of Transitoriness Anglo-American modernist poetry modernistic pursuit change and novelty
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