
莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)sub^(cbnI)基因的遗传学性质分析 被引量:3

Genetic Characterization of sub^cbnI Genes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
摘要 通过将莱茵衣藻回复合成叶绿素b能力的14种回复突变株和野生型杂文并对其后代进行四分子分析与随机分析,发现导致回复突变的抑制基因sub位于第一染色体,并根据其连锁程度的不同初步鉴定出5个同功能的非等位sub基因。杂交分析表明sub基因不具有等位专一性,以及在促使cbnI基因重新获得合成叶绿素b的能力的过程中具有单一基因决定性状的特点,不同的sub基因具有其独立的表型效应。sub/Sub杂合二倍体的表型分析证明sub基因是显性突变基因。多个非等位sub基因的存在及其上述特点,都显示出叶绿素b的生物合成,可能存在多种途径或多种调控方式。 Founfeen different revertants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii recovered with ability of biosynthesis chlorophyll b were hybridized with wile-type strain, and tetrad analysis with random sampling was performed. It appeared that sub genes resulting in cbnI gene to reverse mutation, and localize on the first chromosome. According to its linkage that differences, 5 strains carring various mutant alleies of suppressor genes were determined.Forward hybridological analysis demonstrated that the sub genes were absent of allelic specificity and had a single genie character in response to suppression. Phenotypic analysis of the sub / Sub diplontic hybrid have verified the dominant character of mutant sub genes. The phenomenon of present various allelic sub genes and all its characters revealed that the possibility of several ways or various regulatory means exists in biosynthesis of chlorophyll b.
出处 《Acta Genetica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第8期734-741,共8页
基金 国际INTAS基金!(为促进独联体国家学者之间的合作而设立的国际基金会 95-2594) 新疆大学基金
关键词 莱茵衣藻 叶绿素B sub基因 遗传学性质 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chlorophyll b cbnI gene sub genes
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