实施农业科技“跨越”发展方略 ,尽快缩小与发达国家农业科技贡献率的差距 ,是提升我国农业和农村经济素质与效益的必由之路。“跨越”发展为赶超提供了机会与可能 ,只有具备了“跨越”产生的必要和充分条件时 ,这种机会与可能才会成为现实。我国已经具备这些条件 ,问题的关键是如何正确把握跨越式发展的战略思路及运行方案设计 ,以及如何进一步合理确定农业科技发展的优先领域和一步到位直接进入当代最先进农业技术行列的开发推广项目和范围。
It is the only way to promote our agriculture and rural economy diathesis and benefit by actualizing the “Span” strategy of agricultural technique and reduce the gap of contribution rate between our agricultural technique and the developed countries. The “Span”development provides opportunity and possibility to the overtake. Only when there are enough necessary and sufficient qualifications for this “Span”,can this opportunity and possibility be realized. We have already had this qualifications.Now,the key question is how to hold correctly the train of thought and program designing of this “Span”development. It is also important to have a clear idea of how to make a further judgement about which domain has the developing priority and how to make a direct entry into the up-to-date exploitation and popularization items in the agricultural technique field.
Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business