
20~59岁年龄段普通成年人健步走推荐速度及步频的研究 被引量:17

Research on the Recommended Brisk Walking Speed and Stride Frequency of Ordinary Adults Aged from 20 to 59
摘要 目的:通过场地测试的方式,研究普通成年人中等强度健步走参考速度及步频,为制定健步走指导方案提供科学数据支持,为全民健身提供一定的参考依据。方法:292名北京市20~59岁普通成年人佩戴心率表和计步器,通过递增速度完成3~4个800m快步走测试,测量中等强度心率对应的健步走时间、有效步数及有效步数时间,并计算速度、步频。结果:获得各年龄段男、女性中等强度心率对应的健步走速度及步频的参考范围。结论:1)健步走速度因年龄的增长及身体素质下降而下降,同年龄段男性健步走速度较女性快。2)中等强度心率对应的健步走步频各年龄段接近,步频在120步/min可以达到中等运动强度,中等运动强度的步频范围是120~150步/min。 Objective: This study intended to study the recommended brisk walking speed and stride frequency with moderate intensity for ordinary adults by field test and to provide scientific data support for the programming guidance of brisk walking and some references for mass sports. Method: 292 ordinary adults aged from 20 to 59 in Beijing wore the heart rate monitor and pedometers and completed 3 to 4 rounds of 800-meter brisk walking test with increasing speed. The researchers recorded the walking time, effective steps and time of the effective steps in correspondence with the heart rate of moderate intensity and also calculated speed and stride frequency. Result: The reference range of the speed and stride frequency of male and female at different ages in correspon- dence with the moderate intensity heart rate has been achieved by the test. Conclusion: 1 ) The speed of brisk walking is declining with the age-growing and fitness-descending. The men's speed is faster than the women's in the same age group. 2) There is no significant difference in stride frequency with moderate intensity heart rate. Step rate in 120 steps/min can achieve moderate intensity and the range of its step frequency is about 120-150 steps/min.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期49-51,57,共4页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(项目号:2006BAK33B04)
关键词 健步走 速度 步频 brisk walking speed stride frequency
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