土地资源的供给具有稀缺性 ,它对人类生存和发展又至关重要 ,因而必须对其进行保护。土地资源保护在我国尤为重要 ,一方面 ,我国的人地矛盾比较突出 ;另一方面 ,我国建设用地挤占耕地较多 ,水土流失、土壤沙化、土地污染严重。保护土地资源是一项系统工程 :( 1 )它的质和量的保护不可分割 ;( 2 )必须兼顾经济、社会及生态环境方面的可持续利用 ;( 3)要采取综合措施 ,动员全社会的力量进行全面保护。
The supply of land resources has its sparse character and it is vital to the human survive and growth. Therefore, we should protect it. The protection of land resources is even more important in China today because of the large population and land for construction and many other reasons, such as soil erosion, land desertion and pollution of land. So the protection of land resources is a systematic work.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics