
建立华北及西北地区垂线变化试验监测网的意义和可行性 被引量:10

Significance and feasibility to set up test measurement networks in Huabei and Xibei regions for variation of the vertical
摘要 本文介绍了天文时间和纬度观测资料的残差值在天体测量仪器周围一定范围内的地震发生前夕出现短期异常波动的现象,及不同地区天体测量仪器的观测残差与地震关系的特征,认为地方铅垂线的震前异常变化是造成天文时纬观测资料的残差值出现异常波动的主要原因.相关的研究结果曾两次获得中国科学院科技进步奖.本文还论述了该现象发展成为有效的短期地震前兆的可能性和目前该研究面临的情况,及利用天体测量仪器监测垂线变化及对其开展深入研究的意义.讨论了利用一定数量的天体测量仪器组建试验观测网对认识什么构造区带上的什么类型的地震更容易使处于何种构造区带上的时纬仪器提前出现残差异常,异常特征和时间提前量出现差别的主要原因是什么,异常与地震三要素的定量或半定量的关系,以及优化观测和提取有效信息的方法的必要性.讨论了组建观测网所需观测仪器的性能,简要介绍了中国科学院国家天文台与山东科技大学测绘学院合作试制的新仪器的特征.再次提出了在多震的华北、西北地区组建试验观测网的建议,讨论了组网的意义、可行性和有关问题. This paper introduces the phenomenon that short-term anomalous fluctuations appeared in residuals of astronomical time and latitude observations (RATL) before earthquakes that occurred in some regions around astrometric instruments and the characteristics of the relationship between RATL of astrometric instruments located in different regions and earthquakes that occurred around. The anomalous variation of the local plumb line before earthquake is thought to be the main reason of the anomalous fluctuations in RATL. The related research achievements have won the science and technology award of Chinese Academy of Sciences twice. The possibility that the phenomenon will become an effective short-term precursor for strong earthquakes, the current situations and problems faced by the research as well as the significance to detect plumb line variations with astrometric instruments and to carry out further related researches are also discoursed. The necessity to set up the trial observation networks with certain amount of astrometric instruments to understand which kinds of earthquakes on which kinds of tectonic zones are easier to cause short-term residuals anomalies in instruments that located in wmcn kinds of tectonic zones, what is the main reason for the differences in characteristics of anomalies and time interval between anomalies and earthquakes, and the quantitative or semi-quantitative relationships between anomalies and the three key factors of earthquake, to optimize and to extract effective information, as well as the requirements on the performance of observation instruments are discussed. The characteristics of the trial-manufactured new instrument developed by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Geomatics college of Shandong University of Science and Technology is introduced briefly. And the authors once again put forward the proposal to set up test observation networks for detecting variation of the vertical in North and North-West regions of China which are earthquake-prone, and discusses the significance, feasibility and related problems to set up the networks.
出处 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期1287-1293,共7页 Progress in Geophysics
关键词 时纬残差 地震 垂线变化 观测网 time-latitude residuals, earthquake,the vertical variation,observation network
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