目的了解盐城市大学生饮食行为的现况特点及其主要影响因素,为倡导大学生合理膳食及进行相关的健康教育提供依据。方法使用中国疾病预防控制中心提供的《中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(大学)》对盐城市4所院校1 283名大学生进行匿名问卷调查,内容包括基本情况和相关饮食行为。采用SPSS 17.0进行统计学分析。结果过去7 d内约10.9%的大学生喝汽水饮料≥1次/d,坚持每天吃早餐、饮用牛奶者分别占61.8%和13.8%,选择西式快餐、路边摊≥2次者分别占7.4%和39.1%,食用甜点、油炸食物、方便面≥2次者分别占42.6%、40.0%、19.3%,食用新鲜水果、蔬菜<1次/d者分别占67.9%、36.6%。28.8%的大学生不同程度地存在挑食偏食情况。多因素logistic回归分析显示,大学生饮食行为与性别、年级、母亲文化程度、是否城市生源、是否双亲家庭、是否独生子女以及体型等有一定的关系。结论盐城市大学生中还存在较多的不健康饮食行为。学校应加强对大学生的管理,加强健康教育和营养干预,引导其养成良好的饮食行为和习惯。
[Objective]To understand the dietetic behavior status in the college students of Yancheng City,and provide evidence for proposing reasonable diet and further health intervention.[Methods]By means of "health related behaviors questionnaire for Chinese hobbledehoy" provided by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),the data of basic situation and related dietetic behavior were collected anonymously from 1283 undergraduates of 4 colleges in Yancheng City.SPSS 17.0 software was used for statistical analysis.[Results] Among the surveyed college students in the past 7 days,about 10.9% drank carbonated beverage≥1 time /d,61.8% ate breakfast and 13.8% drank milk per day,3.1% ate Western-style fast food and 21.3% chose street vendors≥2 times,42.6% ate the sweet food and 40.0% ate fried food and 19.3% ate instant noodle at least twice.67.9% ate fresh fruit and 36.6% ate vegetable less than 1 time per day.28.8% of them were picky eating or had a penchant for some food to varying degrees.The multivariate logistic analysis revealed that the dietetic behavior of the college students may be related to sex,grade,mother’s education level,settlement before left for college,living with both parents or not,be the only child or not and somatotype.[Conclusion]There are still more unhealthy dietetic behaviors in the college students of Yancheng City.The student administration,health education and behavior intervention are should be strengthened to develop good eating behaviors and habits.
Occupation and Health
Dietetic behavior
Influencing factors
College students