
心理社会危险因素与大肠癌的相关性研究 被引量:4

The relationship between psychosocial risk factors and colorectal cancer
摘要 目的探讨个性行为特征、情绪状态和生活事件等心理社会因素与大肠癌发生的相关性,为更有效的防治大肠癌提供科学依据。方法采用以医院为基础的病例一对照研究,病例组256人和对照组488人采用团体用心理社会应激调查表对其生活事件、情绪反应及应对方式三方面进行测评。结果多因素Logistic回归结果显示人际关系不协调(OR=32.245)、子女前途问题(OR=3.773)、个人健康状况变化(OR=1.655)、着急(OR=1.894)、遇事压到心底(OR=3.300)和苦恼时喜欢一个人独处(OR=1.928)是大肠癌的危险因素。而心情愉快(OR=0.310)和遇事换个环境排解(OR=0.194)为大肠癌的保护性因素。结论某些负性生活事件、消极的情绪及应对方式均与大肠癌的发病有关,而常保持心情愉快与遇事乐观态度会降低大肠癌的发病几率。 Objective To investigate the relationship between psychosoeial risk factors and colorectal cancer. Methods A hospital based case - control study of eolorectal cancer was conducted. Cases were patholog- ically confirmed as primary cancers of the colon and rectum. Both 256 cases and 488 controls were tested by the PSSG scale. Results Multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis showed that interpersonal disharmony ( OR = 32. 245 ) , children's future ( OR = 3. 773 ) , changes in individual health status ( OR = 1. 655 ) , anxious e- motion( OR = 1. 894)and like being alone when distressed( OR = 1. 928)might increase the risk of colorectal cancer; pleasing emotion ( OR = 0.310 ) and resolving problems for the environment ( OR = 0.194 ) can protect for colorectal cancer. Conclusion Psychosocial stressful factors( such as stressful life events,introversive psycholog- ical reactions and negative coping styles) are one of the important risk factors in the onset of colorectal cancer.
出处 《实用肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期328-335,共8页 Practical Oncology Journal
关键词 大肠癌 心理应激 病例一对照研究 Colorectal neoplasms Psychosocial stress Case control study
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