
165例癌痛患者癌症相关神经病理性疼痛的诊疗现状调查 被引量:5

The clinical diagnostic and therapeutic situation of cancer - related neuropathic pain in 165 patients with pain
摘要 目的通过调查癌症疼痛的患者中神经病理性疼痛的发生比例及其诊疗现状,了解临床医生对于神经病理性疼痛的认知情况,从而进一步规范难治性癌痛的临床诊疗。方法本研究为非干预性、开放性、观察性的临床研究。调查对象为2010年10月—2012年3月华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院肿瘤科住院及门诊病人,主诉有疼痛者。共发放调查问卷206份,回收问卷206份,按照事先设定的入选和剔除标准,共收集符合标准的癌症疼痛患者165例(80.10%)。使用NRS、LANSS和IDPain量表评估165名患者的疼痛程度和疼痛性质。记录患者临床相关镇痛药物的用药情况和用药不良反应。结果癌痛患者中癌症相关神经病理性疼痛为103例,发生比例为62.42%。癌症相关神经病理性疼痛的发生比例与性别、年龄因素无关。疼痛程度严重者,发生神经病理性疼痛的比例更高。54例(52.43%)患者在使用常规镇痛药物的同时合并使用了针对神经病理性疼痛的辅助用药,不良反应发生率低。结论癌症相关神经病理性疼痛已经引起了一部分临床医生的重视。针对神经病理性疼痛的辅助镇痛药物对神经病理性疼痛疗效肯定,副作用小,可以大大提高疼痛的控制率和缓解率。 Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic and therapeutic situation of cancer related neuropathic pain in the cancer center of Tongji hospital;to promote the standard clinical diagnosis and treatment of intractable cancer pain. Method This is a non - intervening, open and observational clinical research. 165 pa- tients screening out from a total of 206 patients with cancer pain, referred to the cancer center of Tongji hospital, were evaluated and followed, using NRS, LANSS and IDPain. Results In 165 cancer pain patients, there were 103 ( 62.42% ) patients with cancer - related neuropathic pain. The incidence rate of cancer - related neuropathic pain in cancer pain patients was not related with age and gender. Patients with higher NRS were more likely to ex- perience cancer - related neuropathic pain. In cancer - related neuropathic pain patients, there were 54 (52.43%) patients using adjuvant analgesics. By those adjuvant analgesics, most patients were well tolerated, only few reported adverse reaction. Conclusion Cancer - related neuropathic pain has called" doctors' attention" in recent years. Adjuvant analgesics play an important role in the management of cancer - related neuropathic pain.
出处 《实用肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期343-347,共5页 Practical Oncology Journal
关键词 癌症疼痛 神经病理性疼痛 辅助镇痛药物 药物治疗 Cancer pain Neuropathic pain Adjuvant analgesics Medication response
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