
超稠油超声裂解降黏实验研究 被引量:3

Study on Ultrasonic Viscosity-reduction Method of Ultra-heavy Oil
摘要 利用功率超声开展了超稠油超声裂解降黏实验研究。优选了超声处理参数。研究了超声波功率、频率及处理时间对超稠油降黏效果的影响。并分析了超声处理前后超稠油的族组成及平均分子量变化。实验结果表明:滨南超稠油超声降黏最佳参数为超声波功率1 000 W、频率18 kHz、处理时间30 min。超声波功率对降黏效果影响最大,其次为超声波频率及处理时间;超声波功率越大降黏效果越好;频率增加降黏效果有所降低;超声波处理时间增加,超稠油降黏率先增加后趋于平稳。超声波能破坏超稠油分子结构,使重质大分子裂解成轻烃物质,实现稠油的不可逆降黏,有效改善稠油品质。 Ultrasonic was applied to reduce the viscosity of ultraheavy oil of She ngli Oilfield. Ultrasonic pro cessing parameters were optimized and the effect of ultrasonic power, frequency and processing time on the viscosi tyreduction rate of ultraheavy oil were studied. Also, the SARA and average molecular weight of heavy oil befrre and after ultrasonic treatment were analyzed. Experimental results show that the optimal parameters were ultrasonic power 1 000 W, frequency 18 kHz and processing time 30 min. Ultrasonic power has the biggest effect on heavy oil viscosityreduction rate, followed by frequency and processing time. Heavy oil viscosityreduction rate increases with the increase of ultrasonic power and processing time, and decreases with the increase of frequency. Ultrasonic could break the molecular structure of heavy oil and split the macromolecule in heavy oil into light hydrocarbon, leading to the irreversible viscosity reduction and quality improvment of ultraheavy oil.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2012年第23期5873-5876,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家科技重大专项课题(2009ZX05009) 山东省自然基金(ZR2010EM014)资助
关键词 超稠油 超声波 降黏 实验研究 ultra-heavy oil ultrasonic viscosity-reduction experimental study
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