

Study on the properties of canthaxanthin water dispersion
摘要 目的:研究斑蝥黄水分散液是否具有溶液的性质。方法:将10%斑蝥黄微粒配制成浓度为400mg/kg的水分散液,分别研究其透过性、均一性和稳定性。首先采用滤纸和半透膜过滤,观察是否可以通过来判断其透过性。均一性试验分别在水分散液的不同位置取样测定其在最大吸收波长处的吸光度和透光率,如果吸光度或透光率基本相同,即溶液不同部位浓度相同,具有"溶液"均一性。稳定性试验在转速2500rpm条件下将斑蝥黄水分散液分别离心5min、10min、15min进行破坏性试验,观察离心后是否分层,或者上下层间浓度有无区别。结果:斑蝥黄水分散液能够通过滤纸和半透膜,具有"溶液"的透过性。不同位置取样所测得的吸光度或透光率都基本相同,说明斑蝥黄水分散液各处浓度都一样,具有"溶液"的"均一性"特征。样品离心后不分层,且离心后不同位置测得的吸光度和透光率都基本无变化,说明斑蝥黄水分散液长期放置不会分离,具有"溶液"的"稳定性"特征。结论:斑蝥黄水分散液具备"溶液"的基本特性。 Objective: To test canthaxanthin water dispersion has "solution" characteristics or not. Methods: Can- thaxanthin beadlet 10% was dispersed into water at concentration of 400mg/kg. The permeability, homogeneityand sta- bilitywere studied respectively. Firstly, the permeability of canthaxanthin water dispersion was tested by filtering with filter paper and a semipermeable membrane. In homogeneity test, samples was selected from different positionin can- thaxanthin dispersion, and its absorbance ( A ) and transmittance ( T% ) at the wavelength of maximum absorbance were tested. If the absorbance (A) or transmittance ( T% ) isvery similar in different part, which means different part of dispersion has the same concentration, it will approve the "homogeneouscharacter" of a "solution". Stability- testis performed by destructive test which dispersions is centrifuged on 2500rpm for 5min, 10min, 15min, respective- ly. After centrifugation, separation of the liquid was observed and theconcentration from upper and lower partof the dis- persion was compared. Results : The dispersion of canthaxanthin can spread through filter paper and a semipermeable membrane, which showed that the dispersion had the "permeability character" of a "solution". Absorbances ( A ) ortransmittances ( T% ) were very similar in different part in the same dispersion and this indicated that different part of dispersion has the same concentration. Therefore, the dispersionhad the "homogeneouscharacter" of a "solution".The iquid is not separated after centrifugation, and the absorbances or transmittances were very similar in different parts, this showed that dispersion had the "stabilitycharacter" of a "solution" because it does not change for a long - term storage. Conclusion The dispersion of canthaxanthin had all characters of a "solution".
出处 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期127-130,共4页 China Food Additives
关键词 斑蝥黄 水溶液 性质 canthaxanthin water dispersion property
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