Objective: To test canthaxanthin water dispersion has "solution" characteristics or not. Methods: Can- thaxanthin beadlet 10% was dispersed into water at concentration of 400mg/kg. The permeability, homogeneityand sta- bilitywere studied respectively. Firstly, the permeability of canthaxanthin water dispersion was tested by filtering with filter paper and a semipermeable membrane. In homogeneity test, samples was selected from different positionin can- thaxanthin dispersion, and its absorbance ( A ) and transmittance ( T% ) at the wavelength of maximum absorbance were tested. If the absorbance (A) or transmittance ( T% ) isvery similar in different part, which means different part of dispersion has the same concentration, it will approve the "homogeneouscharacter" of a "solution". Stability- testis performed by destructive test which dispersions is centrifuged on 2500rpm for 5min, 10min, 15min, respective- ly. After centrifugation, separation of the liquid was observed and theconcentration from upper and lower partof the dis- persion was compared. Results : The dispersion of canthaxanthin can spread through filter paper and a semipermeable membrane, which showed that the dispersion had the "permeability character" of a "solution". Absorbances ( A ) ortransmittances ( T% ) were very similar in different part in the same dispersion and this indicated that different part of dispersion has the same concentration. Therefore, the dispersionhad the "homogeneouscharacter" of a "solution".The iquid is not separated after centrifugation, and the absorbances or transmittances were very similar in different parts, this showed that dispersion had the "stabilitycharacter" of a "solution" because it does not change for a long - term storage. Conclusion The dispersion of canthaxanthin had all characters of a "solution".
China Food Additives
water dispersion