
南疆近60a来冰雹灾害时空变化特征分析 被引量:25

Analyzing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of Hail Disasters in Southern Xinjiang Region during Recent 60 Years
摘要 冰雹是新疆主要灾害性天气之一,利用新疆南疆各地州1949-2008年发生的冰雹频次及其造成的受灾农田面积、经济损失、死亡牲畜等资料,分析了南疆冰雹频次时空变化特征及各县市雹灾灾情.结果表明:南疆冰雹发生频次近60a间呈明显上升趋势,1950年代至1980年代中期发生频次较低,1986年开始发生频次显著上升,至1991年达最高值,由1996年起又减少到2003年谷底.冰雹发生主要集中在3-10月,其中6月频次最多,年均3.6次,其次5月为3.1次.巴州、阿克苏、喀什和克州以春末到夏季型降雹为主,和田以春季型降雹为主.冰雹一天之内多发生在白天到傍晚时段,持续时间多为1~20 min.南疆冰雹空间分布上西北部多于东南部,山脉的背风坡多于迎风坡,山间盆地多于开阔平原.对各地州而言,阿克苏冰雹发生频次最多,属于严重雹灾区;喀什和巴州次于阿克苏,属于重雹灾区;克州与和田冰雹发生频次较少,属于中雹灾区.冰雹受灾农田面积和经济损失随着工农业生产总值的增长而增加,而且增长速度比经济增长速度快.建议加大防雹投入力度,建立人工防雹系统,以减少雹灾损失,遏制工农业发达地区雹灾损失严重和随着国民经济的增长雹灾损失增加的现象. Hail is one of the main disasters in southern Xinjiang Region.Because of complicated terrain,exiguous vegetation and large temperature difference,it is easy to form strong updraft and hail.In this paper,data such as hail frequency,damaged farmland area,economic loss and death of livestock from 1949 to 2008 are collected to analyze the temporal and spatial variations of hail disasters,and gray relational disaster assessment model is used to assess the situation of hail disaster in counties of southern Xinjiang Region.The result shows that: 1) In the last 60 years,a clear increasing trend of hail frequency has been seen in southern Xinjiang Region,with a lower frequency from the 1950s to the mid-1980s.Since 1986,the frequency had increased significantly,with a maximum in 1991.The frequency began to reduce from 1996 and dropped to the bottom in 2003.2)Temporally,hail occurs mainly from March to October,most frequent in June,with an annual average frequency up to 3.6,followed by 3.1 in May.In Bayingolin,Aksu,Kashgar,Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefectures,hail mainly takes place from late spring to summer-type,in Hotan mainly in spring.Hail occurs mostly in the daytime and evening with duration of 1 to 20 minutes.3) Spatially,hail happens more in northwest than in southeast,more on the leeward slopes than on the windward slopes of a mountain,more in basin than in open plains.Locally,Aksu,with the highest hail frequency,is categorized into serious hail disaster area;Kashgar and Bayingolin Prefectures belong to heavy hail disaster area;Hotan and Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefectures has the lowest hail frequency and belong to medium hail disaster area.4)The damaged farmland area and economic losses increase with the growth of the gross industrial and agricultural production,with a growing rate faster than that the latter.It is suggested to increase hail investment and to establish hail controlling system to reduce hail disaster losses and to contain the serious hail disaster losses in industry and agriculture areas.The phenomenon that hail disaster losses increase with growth of national economy must be changed over.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期795-801,共7页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40961032)资助
关键词 冰雹频次 时空变化 雹灾分区 南疆 hail frequency; spatio-temporal change; hail disaster partition; southern Xinjiang Region;
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