
无线Mesh网络中支持QoS的802.11e协议优化 被引量:2

QoS-Supported for 802.11e Protocol Optimization in Wireless Mesh Network
摘要 在无线Mesh网络中,支持QoS的IEEE 802.11eEDCA协议,其固定的队列接入机制,使得在网络负载较重的时高优先业务的QoS得不到应有的保障,同时在网络负载较轻时信道利用率也不高.文中提出了一种动态调整业务接入队列的算法.节点可以根据感知到的网络负载状况自适应调整队列接入方式,在保障高优先级业务QoS要求的同时,尽可能提高信道的利用率.仿真结果表明,在不同网络负载的场景下,该算法相对于IEEE802.11e在QoS保障和利用率方面都有较好的表现. In wireless mesh network, the IEEE 802. lle EDCA protocol with fixed queue-access mechanism, which makes the QoS of voice and video traffic are not guaranteed in the high load traffic, and the channel utilization is low when the network load is under-loaded. Therefore, a dynamic adjustment access queue algorithm is proposed, in which nodes could adjust their access queue according to the network load state they measured. So the proposed algorithm could improve the channel utilization while at the same time meeting the QoS demand of high-priotity traffic. The simulation result shows that, the algorithm has better performance than that of the IEEE 802. lle on the guarantee of the QoS and the channel utilization under various scenarios.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期99-102,108,共5页 Microelectronics & Computer
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60963022) 广西自然科学基金项目(2012GXNSFAA053226)
关键词 无线MESH网络 802.11e EDCA 优先级 服务质量 wireless mesh network 802. lle EDCA priority QoS
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