In the first part of this paper,we describe briefly the mid and long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy,its preliminary study program,the current status of satellite missions undertaken, and the current status of astronomy experiments in China's manned space flight program.In the second part,the recent research progress made in the fields of solar physics is summarized briefly, including solar vector magnetic field,solar flares,CME and filaments,solar radio and nonthermal processes,EUV waves,MHD waves and coronal waves,solar model and helioseismology,solar wind and behavior of solar cycle.
In the first part of this paper, we describe briefly the mid and long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy, its preliminary study program, the current status of satellite missions undertaken, and the current status of astronomy experiments in China's manned space flight program. In the second part, the recent research progress made in the fields of solar physics is summarized briefly, including solar vector magnetic field, solar flares, CME and filaments, solar radio and nonthermal processes, EUV waves, MHD waves and coronal waves, solar model and helioseismology, solar wind and behavior of solar cycle.
Chinese Journal of Space Science