

Efficient Hierarchical Consensus Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 提出移动自组网中高效的层次化一致性协议,其移动自组网系统模型中最多有f(f<n/2,n是主机的总数)台主机会发生崩溃,且配备Chandra-Toueg的不可靠的类◇P故障检测器.该协议基于一个两层的层次结构——主机与代理,至少有f+1台主机作为代理,每台主机都与一台代理主机相连,通过代理主机合并来自所有主机的投票消息并广播给其本地主机的途径来减少发送消息的成本.此外,层次化的方法使得该一致性协议具有良好的扩展性.性能分析表明,与现有的协议相比,该协议能够显著地节省时间代价和消息代价. An efficient hierarchical consensus protocol for mobile Ad Hoc networks is proposed. We consider the system model for MANETs with host crashes, at most f hosts can crash where f 〈 n/2 ( n is the total number of the hosts ), and equipped with Chandra- Toueg's unreliable failure detectors of class ◇P. The proposed protocol is based on a two-layer hierarchy with hosts associated with proxies. At least f+ 1 hosts act as proxies and each host is associated with one proxy host. The messages from and/or to the local hosts of the same proxy are merged so as to reduce the message cost. Moreover, the hierarchical approach can improve the scalability of the consensus protocol. Performance analysis shows that the proposed protocol can significantly save time and message cost com- pared to the existing protocols.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2013-2018,共6页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61073037)资助
关键词 移动自组网 层次化 故障检测器 一致性协议 mobile ad hoc networks hierarchy unreliable failure detectors consensus protocols
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