目的了解变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)患者对丙酸氟替卡松用药的依从性及其影响因素。方法对首次诊断为AR并给予丙酸氟替卡松治疗的患者,通过电话随访的形式进行依从性调查。结果在46例获得有效电话随访的患者中,40例表示用药后疾病有所减轻或已痊愈,占总数的87.0%;有30例患者用药4个月以上,占总数的65.2%;27例患者的依从性好,占总数的58.7%;19例患者依从性差,占总数的41.3%。结论丙酸氟替卡松治疗AR患者依从性良好,采用积极的手段提高患者的用药依从性是取得满意疗效的关键。
Objective To investigation the compliance and effect factor of fluticasone propionate in treatment of allergic rhinitis(AR).Methods The patients firstly diagnosed with AR were given fluticasone propionate treatment and performed the compliance investigationin by the form of telehone follow-up.Results Among 46 cases of telephone follow-up,40 cases expressed that AR was alleviated or cured after medication,accounting for 87% of the total cases.30 cases had the medication duration of 4 months or more,accounting for 73.1% of the total cases.27 cases(58.7%) had good compliance and 19 cases(41.3%) had poor compliance.Many factors affected the patients compliance of medication,such as treatment results,disease prevention and control knowledge,knowledge about drugs,adverse reactions of medication and different medical billing method.Conclusion The compliance of fluticasone propionate for treating AR is good.Adpting the active means to improve the compliance of allergic rhinitis patients is the key to get satisfied treatment results.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health